PhD in Sustainable Development and Climate Change - Call for Applications, IUSS Pavia in collaborazione con l'Università dell'Insubriaiversità dell'Insubria

Call for applications: PhD scholarship at the University of Insubria in Sustainable Development and Climate Change, coordinated by IUSS PAVIA 

IUSS PAVIA in collaboration with the University of Insubria opens the 40th cycle of the PhD program in Sustainable Development and Climate Change.

One scholarship is available to work on Gender equality and climate resilience in developing countries, at the Department of Economics of University of Insubria and with researchers at the International Organization IFAD (International Fund for Agricultural Development) for a period of at least 6 months under the initiative Gender Transformative Mechanisms, an IFAD facility supporting women and men with investments to promote gender transformative programming while building their resilience capacities in the context of Climate Adaptation.

The PhD program lasts three years and all its activities are in English.

Here are the links to the call for the application (Scholarship code C40.CU2.13).: How to apply (

Deadline for applicationsJuly 26, 2024 (5:00 pm CEST)

Further information can be found on the PhD MMED webpage: About us - PhD in Sustainable Development and Climate Change (

The Department of Economics at the University of Insubria ( is the recipient of one of the grants of the programme “Departments of Excellence, 2023–2027” (