
  THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24th                         


 8:00-9:00am  REGISTRATION - edificio 19 (1° piano)           

 9:00-11:00am TUTORIALS                                   

  •   Tutorial:   The Economics of Religion - Mara Squicciarini  -  Aula I, edificio 13  (piano terra)                      
  •   Tutorial:   Machine learning using R - Paolo Brunori -  Aula V, edificio 13 (1° piano)                            

 11:00am-1:00pm TUTORIALS AND GENERAL DISCUSSION                                

  •   Tutorial:   The Economics of Religion - Mara Squicciarini  -  Aula I, edificio 13  (piano terra)                      
  •   Tutorial:    Machine learning using R - Paolo Brunori  -  Aula V, edificio 13 (1° piano)


11:30am-1:00pm Riunione di CASA-Econ per i rappresentanti delle Associazioni Scientifiche  - Aula Baccarella, edificio 13  (piano -1)                          

1:00-2:00pm  REGISTRATION - edificio 19  (1° piano)                           

1:00-2:00pm  Essere una economista (incontro con le partecipanti alla RSA organizzato dalla Commissione di Genere)  - Aula V, edificio 13  (1° piano)                                       

2:00-2:20pm  WELCOME ADDRESSES -  Aula Magna, edificio 13 (piano -1)
Chair: Fabio Mazzola (Prorettore Vicario e Presidente Comitato Organizzatore Locale)
Speakers: Angelo Mineo (Direttore Dipartimento SEAS); Sebastiano Musumeci (Presidente Regione Siciliana); Leoluca Orlando (Sindaco di Palermo); Annalisa Rosselli (Presidente SIE)

Chair: Fabio Mazzola
Speaker: Maurice Obstfeld (University of California, Berkeley)                                     

3:20-4:40pm PARALLEL SESSIONS A   

A1 EMERGING ISSUES IN ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMICS  (with IAERE - Italian Association of Environmental and Resources Economists) - Aula 2, edificio 19 (1° piano)
Chair: Simone Borghesi                          

Violent Conflicts, Climate Conditions and Socio-economic Vulnerability in Africa  - Federica Cappelli, Caterina Conigliani, Valeria Costantini, Keti Lelo, Anil Markandya, Elena Paglialunga, Giorgia Sforna                              

Structural Change and the Environment: Unbundling the Contribution of Structural Change to Sustainable Consumption and Production - Giovanni Marin, Massimiliano Mazzanti                              

Waste recycling policies in an E-DSGE model  - Amedeo Argentiero, Alessio D'Amato, Mariangela Zoli                              

Innovation and Weather Change Adaptation: A Panel Endogenous Switching Regression Analysis - Sabrina Auci, Nicolò Barbieri, Manuela Coromaldi, Melania Michetti


A2 CULTURE AND THE ARTS AS SOURCE OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND SOCIAL COHESION (with AEC - Associazione per l’Economia della Cultura) - Aula I, edificio 13 (1° piano)
Chair: Marco Causi                           

Museum, audiences and territory: management and sustainability in the Guidelines of the Italian National Museum System - Annalisa Cicerchia, Michela Marchiori                              

Impronta Culturale e Sostenibilità. Definizione, misurazione, meccanismi di trasmissione - Gianfranco Franz                              

La sostenibilità del cultural heritage nei programmi di finanziamento europeo: un'analisi di benchmarking - Michela Addis, Angela D'Orazio, Floriana Mulazzi, Maria Prezioso                              

Cultural Partecipation, Past consumption and Weather Condition - Marco Gambaro, Tong Wang                               


A3 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, DOLLARIZATION AND THE NORTH-SOUTH DEBATE  (with SITES-IDEAS - Società Italiana degli Economisti dello Sviluppo) - Aula Colletti, edificio 13 (piano terra)
Chair:  Pasquale Lucio Scandizzo                

Understanding dollarization: a Keynesian/Kaleckian perspective - Marco Missaglia                  

Italy's reorganization of public investment appraisal: findings and perspectives for large projects and cohesion policy - Pasquale Lucio Scandizzo, Stefano Maiolo    

The Tale of the Two Italies: Regional Price Parities Accounting for Differences in the Quality of Services - Martina Menon, Federico Perali, Ranjan Ray , Nicola Tommasi

DSGE vs CGE Models: Modelling Sustainable Development in a Computable General Equilibrium Context - Federico Perali, Pasquale Lucio Scandizzo                           


A4 ECONOMIC CHALLENGES IN DEVELOPED AND EMERGING ECONOMIES (with EACES - European Association for Comparative Economic Studies) – Aula 3, edificio 19 (1° piano)
Chair: Marcello Signorelli 

Public investment, Growth and Debt Sustainability - Pompeo Della Posta, Enrico Marelli, Marcello Signorelli                              

The school-to-work transition: What affects mainly its duration? - Floro Ernesto Caroleo, Francesco Pastore, Claudio Quintano, Antonella Rocca                              

Assessing the role of women iin tourism related sectors in the Caribbean - Kevin Hope, Francesco Pastore, Allan Webster                              

Trade, FDI and Economic Growth in Emerging Economies - Misbah T. Choudhry, Enrico Marelli, Marcello Signorelli                              


A5 TECHNOLOGICAL CHANGE, FIRMS AND LABOUR MARKET  (with INAPP) - Aula 1, edificio 19 (1° piano)
Chair: Sergio Scicchitano                                           

Labour productivity and wage dynamics: the role of within-firm labour market segmentation in high-tech and low-tech firms - Valeria Cirillo, Michele Raitano, Andrea Ricci                              

Skill Gap, Mismatch, and the Dynamics of Italian Companies' Productivity - Lucrezia Fanti, Dario Guarascio, Matteo Tubiana                       

Skill mismatch, routine bias technical change and unemployment: evidence from Italy - Piero Esposito, Sergio Scicchitano    


A6 SCHOOLING - Aula 4, edificio 19 (1° piano)
Chair:  Maria Laura Di Tommaso                              From choice to performance in secondary school: a multifaceted framework - Anna Bussu, Dimitri Paolini, Manuela Pulina, Giuseppe Zanzurino                              

Financial literacy and gender: does education fill the gap? - Giulia Bettin, Francesca Scaturro                              

Remedial education in Italian University: long run effectsMaria De Paola, Vincenzo Scoppa, Janna Smirnova                       

The Gender Gap in Attitudes and Test Scores: a new construct of the mathematical capability - Maria Laura Di Tommaso, Anna Maccagnan, Silvia Mendolia     


A7 CRIME - Aula Seminari A, edificio 19 (1° piano)
Chair: Giovanni Immordino

Female Participation in Politics and Organized Crime Infiltration - Anna Laura Baraldi, Carla Ronza                              

Organized Crime and Technology - Mustafa Caglayan, Alessandro Flamini, Babak Jahanshahi                              

The Effect of School Rank on bullying and victimization - Simona Comi, Federica Origo, Laura Pagani                              

Prostitution and violence evidence from Sweden - Maria Perrotta Berlin, Giovanni Immordino, Francesco F. Russo, Giancarlo Spagnolo                              


A8 FIRMS 1 - Aula III, edificio 13 (piano terra)
Chair: Carlo Migliardo                         

The Impact of Intellectual Property Rights on Labor Productivity: Do Constitutions Matter? - Emanuela Carbonara, Giuseppina Gianfreda, Enrico Santarelli, Giovanna Vallanti                           

a href="//" type="application/pdf; length=963611">Family-managed firms, External Source of Knowledge and Innovation: An Exploration of the Manufacturing Industry in Spain - Stefano Amato, Rodrigo Basco, Fernanda Ricotta                              

The anatomy of export SMEs efficiency: Too small to be productive in international markets? - Antonio Fabio Forgione, Carlo Migliardo 


A9 INFLATION -  Aula IV, edificio 13 (1° piano)
Chair: Ernil Sabaj 

Inflation and Welfare in a Competitive Search Equilibrium with Asymmetric Information - Lorenzo Carbonari, Fabrizio Mattesini, Robert J. Waldmann                              

Origin and dynamics of Bolivar Republic of Venezuela’s Hyperinflation - Pierluigi Morelli, Giovanni B. Pittaluga, Elena Seghezza                              

Monetary policy, firms' inflation expectations and prices: causal evidence from firm-level data - Marco Bottone, Alfonso Rosolia                              

The effects of government spending under trend inflation: theory and empirics - Ernil Sabaj                              


A10 LOCAL EFFECTS - Aula V, edificio 13 (1° piano)
Chair:  Fabio Fiorillo                  

Resilience, Skill Endowment and Diversity: Evidence from US Metropolitan Areas - Fabrizio Fusillo, Davide Consoli, Francesco Quatraro                              

House Prices in Local Markets in Italy: Dynamics, Levels and the Role of Urban Agglomerations - Luca Casolaro, Cristina Fabrizi        

Intergovernmental grants misrepresentation in the balance sheets of italian municipalities - Fabio Fiorillo, Federico Quaresima                     


A11 HEALTH  - Aula Multimediale A, edificio 19 (1° piano)
Chair: Paolo Li Donni                          

Does Higher Institutional Quality Improve the Appropriateness of Healthcare Provision? - Giacomo De Luca, Domenico Lisi, Marco Martorana, Luigi Siciliani                              

Financial crisis, fiscal austerity, and health in Italy - Vanessa Cirulli, Giorgia Marini            

The quicker the better: Fostering timely responses in public hospitals - Matteo Lippi Bruni, Rossella Verzulli            


A12 THE ECONOMICS AND POLITICS OF ITALY 1 - Aula II, edificio 13 (1° piano)
Chair:  Giovanni Gallo                 

Are Italian women sick of working? Insights from a simultaneous equation model - Chiara Mussida, Raffaella Patimo                              

Sources of Inequality in Italy - Roberto Iacono, Marco Ranaldi                              

Do Voters Choose Better Politicians than Political Parties? Evidence from a Natural Experiment in Italy - Maria Rosaria Alfano, Anna Laura Baraldi, Erasmo Papagni                              

Regional Support to the National Government. Joint Effects of Minimum Income Schemes in Italy - Giovanni Gallo                              


4:40-6:00pm Coffee break,  edificio 13 (piano -1) ed edificio 19 (2° piano)     


5:00-6:00pm A SIE SURVEY ON ECONOMICS COURSES IN ITALY  – Aula III, edificio 13 (piano terra)
Chair: Annalisa Rosselli
Speaker: Chiara Mussida

Chair: Dario Tornabene
Speakers: Anna Maria Fontana, Dario Tornabene, Giacomo Gargano

6:00-7:20pm PARALLEL SESSIONS B                               

Chair: Annalisa Rosselli
Speakers: Anna Maria Mayda, Francesco Fasani, Simone Bertoli              


B2 AGRICULTURAL POLICIES, FARMER LIVELIHOOD, ENVIRONMENTAL CHALLENGES AND SUSTAINABLE EVIDENCES  (with AIEAA - Italian Association of Agricultural and Applied Economics)  - Aula 1, edificio 19 (1° piano)
Chair:  Filippo Arfini         

Conditional income differences between farm and non-farm households in the European Union and the role of the CAP direct payments: a panel analysis - Maria Marino, Benedetto Rocchi, Simone Severini                              

Which factors drive farmers' adoption and continuation of specific climate change mitigation schemes? - Francesco Pagliacci, Edi Defrancesco, Paola Gatto, Daniele Mozzato                              

Strengthening the Links between Small-Scale Farmer Households and their Cooperatives: Evidence from AVCPO project on Durum Wheat in Ethiopia - Mario Biggeri, Alessandro Carraro, Federico Ciani, Donato Romano                         

Sustainability, Innovation and Rural Development: The Case of Parmigiano-Reggiano PDO - Filippo Arfini, Federico Antonioli,  Antonio Bodini, Elena Cozzi, Michele Donati, Marianna Guareschi, Maria Cecilia Mancini, Mario Veneziani                                              

B3 NEW DEVELOPMENTS IN MODELLING SOVEREIGN RISK (with AMASES - Associazione per la Matematica Applicata alle Scienze Economiche e Sociali)  - Aula III, edificio 13 (piano terra)
Chair: Andrea Consiglio                     

Sovereign Default in a Monetary Union - Sergio de Ferra, Federica Romei                              

 Sovereign ratings after sovereign restructurings. Private and official default - Silvia Marchesi, Tania Masi                              

 Global Risk in Long-Term Sovereign Debt- Nicola Borri, Kirill Shakhnov                              

 The Benefits of Reducing Hold-Out Risk: Evidence from the Euro CAC Experiment, 2013-2018 - Aitor Erce, Mattia Picarelli, Xu Jiang                              

B4 WAGES AND PAYS -  Aula IV, edificio 13 (1° piano)
Chair: Clara Graziano

The evolution of wage gaps between STEM and non-STEM graduates in a technological following economy - Giuseppe Croce, Emanuela Ghignoni   

The Dynamics of Working Hours and Wages Under Implicit Contracts - Marco Guerrazzi, Pier Giuseppe Giribone                            

Estimating the Wage Gap between Routine and Non-Routine Workers: the role of perceptions - Silvia Vannutelli, Sergio Scicchitano, Marco Biagetti 
Optimism, Overconfidence and Severance Pay - Clara Graziano, Annalisa Luporini   


B5 CORRUPTION -  Aula 2, edificio 19 (1° piano)
Chair: Maurizio Caserta         
The impact of corruption on procurement performance. An assessment of Italian public work contracts and suppliers - Maurizio Lisciandra, Riccardi Milani, Emanuele Millemaci

Tax revenues collection within active and passive corruption regimes. Evidence from the Italian regional panel data - Salvatore Capasso, Lorenzo Cicatiello, Elina De Simone, Lodovico Santoro                              

Tax evasion, public spending and corruption. Evidence from Italian provinces - Elena D'Agostino, Marco Alberto De Benedetto, Giuseppe Sobbrio                              

The larger, the better: bigger states disincentive corruption - Maurizio Caserta, Livio Ferrante, Francesco Reito        


B6 ENVIRONMENT -  Aula1, edificio 19 (1° piano)
Chair:  Alessio D'Amato          

Extending ‘environment-risk weighted assets’: EU taxonomy and banking supervision - Lorenzo Esposito, Giuseppe Mastromatteo, Andrea Molocchi                              

Pollution Haven Effect and Porter Hypothesis: Is firm heterogeneity a driver for environmental tax, eco-innovation and export relationship? - Silvia Bertarelli, Chiara Lodi                              

Crop and income diversity as adaptation strategies to cope with climate change: insights from Uganda panel data - Chiara Antonelli, Manuela Coromaldi, Giacomo Pallante  

The Hidden Social Costs of Climate Change: Evidence on Climate Shocks and Child Abandonment in Uganda - Manuela Coromaldi, Alessio D'Amato, Loredana Mirra                             


B7 ARTS AND CULTURE - Aula I, edificio 13 (piano terra)
Chair:  Vincenzo Fazio        

Public Investment in Culture and Territorial Growth: Un-wrapping the Impact of Culture - Antonella Ardizzone, Concetta Castiglione, Valeria Morea, Michele Trimarchi                              

Museums’ commitment to immigrant integration: A quantitative analysis - Chiara Dalle Nogare, Raffaele Scuderi, Enrico Bertacchini                              

Digital active participation in different cultural activities. The case of Spain - Victoria Ateca-Amestoy, Concetta Castiglione, Anna Villarroya                              

An analysis of efficiency and productivity change of performing arts firms in 11 EU countries - Concetta Castiglione, Davide Infante, Marta Zieba                              


B8 THE ECONOMICS AND POLITICS OF ITALY 2  - Aula II, edificio 13 (1° piano)
Chair:  Nicola Acocella          

Low Growth and High Sovereign Debt in Italy: Facts, Causes, and Cures - Giovanni Piersanti                              

Fiscal multipliers of public consumption in Italy - Andrea Baldini, Marco Causi                              

Unions, Two-Tier Bargaining and Physical Capital Investment: Theory and Firm-Level Evidence from Italy - Gabriele Cardullo, Maurizio Conti, Giovanni Sulis                              

Consumption and Wealth: New Evidence from Italy - Riccardo De Bonis, Danilo Liberati, John Muellbauer, Concetta Rondinelli    


7:20-7:40pm Transfer to welcome cocktail 

7:45pm Welcome cocktail, Rettorato, Palazzo Chiaromonte (Steri), Piazza Marina 61
               Welcome speech: Fabrizio Micari (Magnifico Rettore, Università degli Studi di Palermo)

Presentation Terziario Donna Lab Confcommercio “L’Economia della Felicità” (Patrizia Di Dio) 


       FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25th                                

8:00-9:00am REGISTRATION - edificio 19      (1° piano)                       

9:00-10:20am PARALLEL SESSIONS C                               

C1 THEMATIC RESEARCH AT ISTAT: PRELIMINARY RESULTS OF RESEARCH ON FIRMS  AND LABOUR MARKET (with ISTAT- Italian National Statistics Institute) - Aula Magna, edificio 13 (piano -1)
Chair: Claudio Vicarelli                

The education-job mismatch among Italian PhD graduates - Francesca Gallo, Emiliano Mandrone                           

Firm survival during economic downturns: is selection based on cleansing or skill accumulation? - Alessandro Arrighetti, Eleonora Bartoloni, Fabio Landini                              

From Micro to Macro (and Back): Italian Firms Response to Foreign Shocks During the Crisis - Stefano Costa, Federico Sallusti, Claudio Vicarelli, Davide Zurlo                              

Tech on the ROC: A New Way of Looking at Exporting Firms- Stefano Costa, Federico Sallusti, Claudio Vicarelli, Davide Zurlo         


C2 ENERGY TRANSITION, MACROECONOMICS AND ENVIRONMENT  (with AIEE - Associazione Italiana Economisti dell’Energia)  – Aula 3, edificio 19 (1° piano)
Chair: Carlo Andrea Bollino                     

Network Utilities Performance and Institutional Quality: Evidence from the Italian Electricity Sector - Golnoush Soroush, Carlo Cambini, Tooraj Jamasb, Manuel Liorca                               

Measuring Unobserved Economy Through Electricity Demand - Amedeo Argentiero, Simona Bigerna, Carlo Andrea Bollino, Maria Chiara D'Errico, Silvia Micheli, Paolo Polinori

Regional imbalances and public investments in energy infrastructures - Alessandro Sapio

Co-movement between Electrical Consumptions and Economic Growth in the PIGS: a Wavelet Analysis - Cosimo Magazzino, Lorenzo Giolli        



C3 ROUND ABOUT ECONOMICS  – Aula III, edificio 13 (piano terra)
Chair: Saverio Maria Fratini        


The Great Recession and the Teaching of Macroeconomics: A Critical Analysis of the Blanchard Amighini and Giavazzi Textbook - Giancarlo Bertocco, Andrea Kalajzic                              

Unity of Science and Disunity of Economics - Angela Ambrosino, Mario Cedrini, John B. Davis                              

A “Trojan Horse” in the peer-reviewed economic journals. How trustworthiness is the editorial processes in fee-charging journals? - Rocco Caferra, Roberto Dell'Anno, Andrea Morone                              

Being good isn’t good enough’: Gender discrimination in the Italian Academia - Marianna Filandri, Silvia Pasqua                                                           


Chair: Fabio Mazzola                      

One policy, different effects: estimating the region-specific effects of EU cohesion policy funds in the long run - Paolo Di Caro, Ugo Fratesi                              

Deregulation, entry and competition in local banking markets - Paolo Coccorese, Alfonso Pellecchia                         

European Structural Funds and sectoral growth. A disaggregated analysis - Gianluigi Coppola, Sergio Destefanis                              

Regional inequalities and economic crises: fiscal vs.cohesion policies - Davide Furceri, Fabio Mazzola, Pietro Pizzuto            


C5 GENDER, BUSINESS AND SOCIETY - Aula V, edificio 13 (1° piano)
Chair:  Mariacristina Rossi                

Women's candidatures in local elections: does the context matter? Empirical evidence from Italian municipalities - Igor Benati, Greta Falavigna, Lisa Sella                              

Female Quotas, Interlocking and Spill-Over Effects -  Alessio Bongiovanni, Paola De Vincentiis, Alessandra Guariglia, Eleonora Isaia, Mariacristina Rossi                              

Credit Access and Approval - Stefania Basiglio, Paola De Vincentiis, Eleonora Isaia, Mariacristina Rossi                              

Female Participation in Corporate Boardroom and Financial Performance. The Case of Italian Manufacturing Firms - Greta Falavigna, Eleonora Isaia, Alessandro Manello, Mariacristina Rossi                              


C6 PRODUCTIVITY 1   – Aula IV, edificio 13 (1°piano)
Chair: Luigi Marengo           

Economic complexity and regional labor productivitydistribution: evidence from Italy - Roberto Basile, Gloria Cicerone, Lelio Iapadre                               

Incentivizing the Owner: Why Family Firms offer Pay-for-Performance Contracts to their CEOs - Laura Abrardi, Laura Rondi        

The enabling technologies if Industry 4.0: Examining the seeds of the 4th Industrial Revolution - Arianna Martinelli, Andrea Mina, Massimo Moggi                             

Aggregate Productivity Growth in the Presence of (Persistently) Heterogeneous Firms - Giovanni Dosi, Marco Grazzi, Luigi Marengo, Simona Settepanella        


C7 MIGRATION 1 - Aula 2, edificio 19 (1° piano)
Chair: Anna Maria Ferragina                

Unpacking migrants' pro-trade effect: New evidence from Italian provincesAnna D'Ambrosio                              

Foreign Workers, Product Quality and Trade: Evidence from a Natural Experiment - Andrea Ariu                              

After the flood: Migration and remittances as coping strategies of rural Bangladeshi households - Eugenia Canessa, Gianna Claudia Giannelli                              

Migration, Comparative, Advantages and Knowledge Diffusion in the EU-mena Region - Anna Maria Ferragina, Stefano Iandolo, Erol Taymaz      


C8 CefES SPECIAL SESSION ON CLIMATE FINANCE - Aula Seminari A, edificio 19 (1° piano)
Chair: Irene Monasterolo                 

The Greenium matters: evidence on the pricing of climate risk - Lucia Alessi, Elisa Ossola, Roberto Panzica                              

Climate risk and financial stability in the network of banks and investment funds - Stefano Battiston, Alan Roncoroni, Luis Onesimo Leonardo Escobar Farfan, Serafin Martinez Jaramillo                               

Climate change implications for the catastrophe bonds market: An empirical analysis - Claudio Morana, Giacomo Sbrana  

A climate risk assessment of sovereign bonds' portfolio - Stefano Battiston , Irene Monasterolo                                          


C9 TAXES - Aula 3, edificio 19 (1° piano)
Chair: Michele Raitano

The Contribution of Proportional Taxes and Tax-Free Cash Benefits to Income Redistribution Over the Period 2005-2018: Evidence from Italy - Stefano Boscolo                              

Opening the Red Budget Box: Nonlinear Effects of a Tax Shock in the UK - Valentina Colombo                              

Progressivity of personal income tax and background-related earnings advantages: evidence from Italy and Poland - Francesco Bloise, Maurizio Franzini, Michele Raitano                        


C10 MONETARY POLICY - Aula Multimediale A, edificio 19 (1°piano)
Chair: Jungu Yang     

Non-standard monetary policy measures in the New Normal - Anna Bartocci, Alessandro Notarpietro, Massimiliano Pisani                              

The Impact of Foreign Monetary Policy on Eastern European Countries - Monika Junicke, Vincenzo Merella               

Alchemy of Financial Innovation: Securitization, Liquidity and Optimal Monetary PolicyJungu Yang              


C11 CORPORATIONS - Aula 4, edificio 19 (1° piano)
Chair: Davide Piacentino                      

Analysts’ reaction to media disclosure of corporate misconducts - Berkan Acar, Leonardo Becchetti, Stefano Manfredonia                              

Why managerial practice differs? Firm and country characteristics in understudied regions - Roberto Iorio, Maria Luigia Segnana                              

From FDI to complexity: a panel Granger causality analysis - Roberto Antonietti, Chiara Franco              

Social Media Adoption in Italian Firms  - Martina Aronica, Rubinia Celeste Bonfanti, Davide Piacentino                        


C12 THE ECONOMICS AND POLITICS OF ITALY 3 - Aula II, edificio 13 (1° piano)
Chair: Fernanda Mazzotta             

Poverty and Material Deprivation Entries and Exits: Does Welfare Matter in Italy? - Graziella Bonanno, Laura Chies, Elena Podrecca                              

International immigration and sectoral preference structure: The case of Italy - William Addessi, Ivan Etzo                                      

The Gender Pay Gap in Italy: the role of occupations - Sergio Destefanis, Fernanda Mazzotta, Lavinia Parisi   


9:00am-6:00pm POSTER SESSIONS (1:00 - 2:00pm Poster authors will be present in person)  - edificio 19 (1° piano)                            

10:20-10:40am Coffee break,  edificio 13 (piano – 1) ed edificio 19 (2° piano)                                

10:40am-12:00pm  PARALLEL SESSIONS D                               


D1 TURISMO E SVILUPPO ECONOMICO  (with Banca d'Italia) - Aula Colletti, edificio 13 (piano terra)
Chair: Roberto Torrini
Turismo in Italia. Numeri e potenziale di sviluppo - Andrea Petrella, Roberto Torrini
Tourism and local growth in Italy - Raffaello Bronzini, Emanuele Ciani, Francesco Montaruli
The Economic impact of Airbnb: the Italian case - Guglielmo Barone, Laura Conti, Giulio Papini
Innovazioni nella governance dei musei statali e gestione del patrimonio culturale: alcune evidenze da un'indagine della Banca d'Italia - Luigi Leva, Vanessa Menicucci, Giacomo Roma, Daniele Ruggeri


D2 ITALIAN ECONOMISTS AND ECONOMIC INSTITUTIONS IN HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE  (with AISPE - Associazione Italiana per la Storia del Pensiero Economico) - Aula I, edificio 13 (piano terra)
Chair: Pier Franceso Asso  

Research departments and the international circulation of ideas. The network of commercial banks’ economists in the 1930s - Giovanni Farese                              

Economic Research and Large-Sized Enterprises during the Golden Age. The Italian Case, 1945-1980 - Fabio Lavista                           

The sticks and carrots of central banking: Moral suasion, credit management and monetary policy in the early 1960s - Pier Francesco Asso, Sebastiano Nerozzi                              


D3 GLOBAL CHANGES IN THE ECONOMIC BALANCE OF POWER  (with AISSEC - Associazione Italiana per lo Studio dei Sistemi Economici Comparati) - Aula Seminari A, edificio 19 (1° piano)
Chair: Enrico Marelli        

Shifting economic powers: China vs. the United States - Vittorio Valli                              

International Investment Agreements and FDI inflows in Africa - Luigi Benfratello, Anna D'Ambrosio, Alida Sangrigoli                         

Monetary policy, Target2 imbalances and poverty in the Eurozone - Rosaria Rita Canale, Giorgio Liotti                              


 Chair: Massimo Attanasio             

Consequences of migration on students’ performance: a clustering approach of effects curves in quantile regression models - Giovanni Boscaino, Gianluca Sottile, Giada Adelfio                              

A topological data analysis approach to high-school and first level university student interregional mobility - Martina Vittorietti, Ornella Giambalvo, Fabio Aiello                              

Adjusted indicators for comparing universities in terms of attractiveness. Insights on differences between degree programs and curricula - Silvia Columbu, Mariano Porcu, Isabella Sulis         

From high school to second level degree: a multi-state model to analyse the Southern University mobility in Italy - Marco Enea, Massimo Attanasio, Fabio Aiello 


D5 FAMILY 1 - Aula 1, edificio 19 (1° piano)
Chair:  Lucia Schiavon                         

Who cares for the carers? The impacts of immigrant elderly care workers on the female labour supply - Giulia Bettin, Isabella Giorgetti, Stefano Staffolani                              To be or not to be a (good) mother: Life-long decisions of working women - Debora Di Gioacchino, Emanuela Ghignoni, Alina Verashchagina                              

Take the Money and Run ”: Dutch Evidence onInheritance and Transfer Receiving and Divorce - Stefania Basiglio                               

Maternal Postpartum Depression Effects on Child’s Health - Lucia Schiavon                               


D6 PRODUCTIVITY 2  - Aula IV, edificio 13 (1° piano)
Chair: Giuseppe Travaglini     

Recent trends in economic activity and TFP in Italy with a focus on embodied technical progress - Alessandro Mistretta, Francesco Zollino                               

Worker Flows, Reallocation Dynamics, and Firm Productivity: New Evidence from Longitudinal Matched Employer-Employee Data - Elena Grinza                              

Immigrants and labour productivity: firms evidence from Italy - Claudia Vittori, Andrea Ricci, Valentina Ferri                              

Unwrapping TFP - Edgar J. Sanchez Carrera, Alessandro Bellocchi, Giuseppe Travaglini          


D7 MIGRATION 2 - Aula 2, edificio 19 (1° piano)
Chair: Davide Provenzano   

Immigration and the fear of unemployment: evidence from individual perceptions in Italy - Eleonora Porreca, Alfonso Rosolia                              

Mass media, attitudes towards immigration and policy preferences - Debora Di Gioacchino, Alina Verashchagina                              

Perceived Immigration and Voting Behavior - Davide Bellucci, Pierluigi Conzo, Roberto Zotti                              

The migration-tourism nexus in the EU28 - Davide Provenzano                              


D8 ENERGY - Aula Multimediale A, edificio 19 (1° piano)
Chair: Rossella Bardazzi        

Energy efficiency and productivity: A firm level analysis for developing countries - Pierluigi Montalbano, Silvia Nenci, Davide Vurchio                              

Climate impacts on residential eletricity: the contribution of air conditioning in OECD countries - Teresa Randazzo, Enrica De Cian, Malcolm Mistry                              

When I Was Your Age…Population Dynamics and Household Energy Consumption - Rossella Bardazzi, Maria Grazia Pazienza   


D9 REGIONS - Aula 4, edificio 19 (1° piano)
Chair: Sandro Montresor

Differences in Sectoral Price Dynamics among Italian Regions: Effects on Expenditure Composition and Welfare - William Addessi, Ivan Etzo, Manuela Pulina                              

The Role of Persistence in Extracting a Signal of Hospital Quality for Italian Regions - Marina Di Giacomo, Luca Pieroni, Luca Salmasi, Sarah Zaccagni  

One size does not fit all. Cooperative banking and income inequality - Raoul Minetti, Pierluigi Murro, Valentina Peruzzi                                    

Regional diversification patterns and Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) in Italian regions - Roberto Antonietti, Sandro Montresor       


D10 LABOUR  - Aula V, edificio 13 (1° piano)
Chair: Federica Origo              

Employment protection and firm-level job reallocation: adjusting for coverage - Benedicta Marzinotto, Ladislav Wintr                              

The impact of trade and labour immigration policies on the UK economy - Simone Angioloni, Maria Berrittella, Ziping Wu, Angel H. Aguiar                              

Imperfect substitutability between old and young workers - Salvatore Carrozzo, Alessandra Di Pietro                              

Firms’ margins of adjustment. The role of wage rigidities and industrial relations - Carlo Dell'Aringa, Claudio Lucifora, Federica Origo                              


Chair: Riccardo Bellofiore                        

Financial Sustainability, Macroeconomics and Dynamics: a Minskian perspective - Anna Maria Variato                              

Schumpeter vs. Minsky on the Evolution of Capitalism and Entrepreneurship - Lino Sau                              

Minsky and the Periodisation of Capitalism - Jan Toporowski                            

‘Was Minsky a Socialist?’ plus: ‘Minsky's Socialization of Investment as a Schumpeterian Synthesis of Keynes and the New Deal’ - Riccardo Bellofiore                          


D12 THE ECONOMICS AND POLITICS OF ITALY 4 - Aula II, edificio 13 (1° piano)
Chair:  Ilde Rizzo         

The Poor Stay Poor, the Rich Get Rich: Intergenerational Wealth Mobility in Italy - Francesco Bloise, Michele Raitano                              

Le Imprese Pubbliche Nazionali nello sviluppo economico del Mezzogiorno - Giorgia Marinuzzi, Walter Tortorella                              

The Survival of Italian Individual Firms to Local Demand Shocks During the Great Recession - Giovanni Marin, Marco Modica                              

Building the Glass House: Transparency and Civic Capital in Italy - Giuseppe Albanese, Emma Galli, Ilde Rizzo, Carla Scaglioni                              

12:00-1:00pm            Lunch,  edificio 13 (piano – 1) ed edificio 19 (2° piano)                              

1:00-2:20pm  SEMI-PLENARY SESSIONS                               

SP1 CENTRAL BANK INDEPENDENCE  - Aula Colletti, edificio 13 (piano terra)
Chair: Donato Masciandaro    
Speakers:  Manuela Moschella, Davide Romelli, Stefano Ugolini                            

SP2 CONCORRENZA: QUANDO FUNZIONA E QUANDO NO - Aula IV, edificio 13 (1° piano)
Chair: Enrico Bellino   
Speakers: Alberto Baccini, Michele Grillo, Rosaria Rita Canale                                

2:20-3:40pm SIE GENERAL MEETING - Aula Magna, edificio 13 (piano -1)          

3:40-5:00pm PARALLEL SESSIONS E                               

Chair: Vito Pipitone    

Persistence in Entrepreneurship: An analysis of the determinants of the start-up rate across Italian provinces - Stefania Cosci, Valentina Meliciani, Marco Pini                              

Measuring territorial gaps: new theoretical and methodological perspectives - Leonardo Becchetti, Luigino Bruni, Dalila De Rosa, Giuseppe Notarstefano, Lorenzo Semplici, Erasmo Vassallo                     

The contribution of Social Enterprises to the resilience of the territories. An empirical investigation of Italian provinces - Giuseppe Terzo                              

Technical efficiency and regional disparities in Italy - Pier Francesco Asso, Vito Pipitone                              


E2 MACROECONOMICS AND THE HISTORY OF ECONOMIC THOUGHT: LESSONS FOR THE PRESENT (with STOREP - Associazione Italiana per la Storia dell’Economia Politica )  – Aula Colletti, edificio 13 (piano terra)
Chair: Antonella Stirati                    

The price puzzle for the US economy: an empirical assessment of the cost channel - Maria Chiara Cucciniello, Matteo Deleidi, Enrico Sergio Levrero                              

The quest for full employment in the early postwar USA: definitional issues and policy debates - Paolo Paesani, Antonella Palumbo 

Employment and Equilibrium: the first comprehensive answer by Pigou to Keynes - Massimo Di Matteo
A short story of the Phillips curve: from Phillips to Friedman… and back? - Antonella Stirati, Walter Paternesi Meloni          


E3 NEW PARADIGMS AND CHALLENGES IN THE GLOBAL ECONOMY  (with IT&FA - International Trade and Finance Association) - Aula II, edificio 13 (1° piano)
Chair: Pompeo Della Posta                      

Does Regulatory Distance Matter for Trade? The Effect of Non-Tariff Measures Differences Across TPP Countries - Marta Bengoa, Valeriano Martinez-San Roman, Blanca Sanchez-Robles                              

Three Factors Affecting Emerging and International Hedge Fund Returns: A Behavioral Approach - Mick Swartz , Farrokh Emami Langroodi                            

The Revival of Target Zones Theory - Pompeo Della Posta  



E4 ORGANIZED CRIME AND THE ECONOMY- Aula 1, edificio 19 (1° piano)
Chair: Mario Lavezzi    

On the Construction of an Organised Crime Index with the Use of Stochastic Dominance Efficiency Methodology - Giovanni Bernardo, Irene Brunetti, Mehmet Pinar, Thanasis Stengos                              

Mafia and Misallocation in Northern Italy: a new approach of estimating the cost of organised crime - Lavinia Piemontese                              

Organized Crime and Firms: Evidence from Italy - Pablo Slutzky, Stefan Zeume                              

Shooting down the price: evidence from mafia homicides and housing market volatility - Michele Battisti, Giovanni Bernardo, Andrea Mario Lavezzi, Giuseppe Maggio                    


E5 POVERTY AND WELL- BEING - Aula V, edificio 13 (1° piano)
Chair: Chiara Mussida                                                

The frontier of Social Impact Finance: Theory and two case studies - Leonardo Becchetti, Fabio Pisani, Francesco Salustri, Lorenzo Semplici                                                     

Households at risk of severe material deprivation: the cases of Italy and Spain - Chiara Mussida, Maria Laura Parisi       


E6 FIRMS 2 - Aula 3, edificio 19 (1° piano)
Chair:  Marco Cucculelli                                             

Does the participation to global value chains impact on cross-border mergers and acquisitions? - Maria Cipollina, Filomena Pietrovito, Alberto Franco Pozzolo                              

Firm strategies and distributional dynamics: Labour share in Italian medium-large firms - Francesco Bloise, Irene Brunetti, Valeria Cirillo                       

Does the eye of the master make the horse fat? Maintenance of collateral and asset care under purchase and leasing contracts - Anna Maria Menichini, Maria Grazia Romano    

Exiting the market by M&A. Does the crisis matter? - Marco Cucculelli    


E7 MIGRATION 3 - Aula 2, edificio 19 (1° piano)
Chair: Elena Grinza     

Migration and development. What are the links? - Marina Murat                              

Education-occupation mismatch of migrants in the Italian labour market: the effect of social networksPierre Georges Van Wolleghem, Marina De Angelis, Sergio Scicchitano                              

Borrowing Constraints, Migrant Selection, and the Dynamics of Return and Repeat Migration - Joseph-Simon Goerlach                              

Pulling effects in Migrant Entrepreneurship: Does Gender Matter? - Alessandra Colombelli, Elena Grinza, Valentina Meliciani, Mariacristina Rossi                              


E8 PROCUREMENT - Aula 4, edificio 19 (1° piano)
Chair:  Alessandro Sterlacchini

Procurement in Big Science Centres: politicsor technology? Evidence from CERN - Andrea Bastianin, Chiara F. Del Bo                               

Evolutionary effects of non compliant behavior in public procurement - Serena Brianzoni, Raffaella Coppier, Elisabetta Michetti                              

Earth Observation in a cost-benefit analysis perspective: Cosmo SkyMed satellites of the Italian Space Agency - Stefano Clò, Massimo Florio, Valentina Morretta, Davide Vurchio        

Public procurement for innovation: Are small firms really disadvantaged? - Marialuisa Divella, Alessandro Sterlacchini         

E9 GENDER – Aula I, edificio 13 (piano terra)
Chair:  Maria De Paola  

A strictly economic explanation of gender norms: The lasting legacy of the plough - Alessandro Cigno                              

Banks’ board and risk-taking: does gender diversity matter? - Giuliana Birindelli, Helen Chiappini, Marco Savioli                              

Immigrant-gender gaps in education in Italy. An empirical investigation based on PISA data - Tindara Addabbo, Maddalena Davoli, Marina Murat                              

Public Speaking Aversion and Gender Gaps: Evidence from a Field Experiment - Maria De Paola, Rosetta Lombardo, Valeria Pupo, Vincenzo Scoppa                              


E10 MICRO AND EXPERIMENTS - Aula Multimediale A, edificio 19 (1° piano)
Chair: Matteo Migheli

The network-codetermination game - Luca Gori, Luciano Fanti                              

Seller competition and platform investment in two-sided markets - Francesco Angelini, Massimiliano Castellani, Lorenzo Zirulia                              

On the Complex Management of Common-Pool Resources: A Coalition Theory Approach - Erubiel Ordaz                              

Type Stability and Response Times: Evidence form a Public Goods Game - Gianna Lotito, Matteo Migheli, Guido Ortona                               


E11 FIRMS AND BANKS - Aula Seminari A, edificio 19 (1° piano)
Chair: Filippo Reganati    

Relationship Banking and Firm Entry Dynamics - Qingqing Cao, Paolo Giordani, Raoul Minetti, Pierluigi Murro                              

What were they thinking?Firms’ expectations on the availability of bank loans - Annalisa Ferrando, Ioannis Ganoulis, Carsten Preuss                              

Low Competition Traps - Alessandro Ferrari, Francisco Queiròs     

Outward FDI Spillovers from Inward FDI: Evidence from Italian firms - Michele Imbruno, Richard Kneller, Rosanna Pittiglio, Filippo Reganati       


Chair:  Davide Furceri                     

Productivity Spillovers in Advanced Economies - Marcos Poplawski-Ribeiro, Sinem Kiliç Çelik                              

 Macroeconomic Policy, Product Market Competition, and Growth: The Intangible Investment Channel - JaeBin Ahn, Romain Duval, Can Sever                               

 Enforcing Competition and Firm Productivity: Evidence from 1,800 Peruvian Municipalities - Marc Schiffbauer, James Sampi, Javier Coronado                              

 Monetary policy and misallocation - Silvia Albrizio, Cian Ruane, Davide Furceri  


5:00-6:20pm Coffee break,  edificio 13 (piano – 1) ed edificio 19 (2° piano)                               


WOMEN IN ITALIAN ACADEMIA: WHERE DO WE STAND? – Aula Colletti, edificio 13 (piano terra)
Chair: Roberta Rabellotti
Speakers: Francesca Bettio, Alessandra Casarico, Giulia Zacchia 

Chair: Roberto Lagalla
Speakers: Dario Cartabellotta, Filippo Castiglia, Giuliano D'Eredità    


NUOVE PROSPETTIVE NELLA VALUTAZIONE DI POLITICHE PLACE-BASED CON EFFETTI ETEROGENEI  (with AISRe - Associazione Italiana di Scienze Regionali ) - Aula III, edificio 13 (piano terra)
Chair: Guido Pellegrini
Spatial Effects in Evaluating the Impact of the European Regional Policy - Marusca De Castris, Guido Pellegrini
Direct and Spillover Effects Using the Synthetic Control Method in the Presence of Interference - Marco Mariani, Giulio Grossi, Patrizia Lattarulo, Alessandra Mattei, Ozge Oner
Labor Mobility Effects of a Firm Level Shock - Augusto Cerqua, Guido Pellegrini 
The effectiveness of Territorial Integrated Projects in southern Italy: evidence from a dose-response approach - Alessandro Cusimano, Fabio Mazzola, Sylvain Barde        

6:20-7:40pm PARALLEL SESSIONS F                               

F1 FISCAL POLICY, DEBT AND TAXES - Aula Multimediale A, edificio 19 (1° piano)
Chair: Luca Agnello 

Budget Position and Fiscal Policy Uncertainty: (Re)-Ranking Sovereign Debt Sustainability Using a Model-Based and Consistently Measured Indicator - Paolo Canofari, Giovanni Piersanti, Alessandro Piergallini                              

Fiscal Multipliers in Abnormal Times: the Case of a Model of the Italian Economy - Sergio de Nardis, Carmine Pappalardo                              

Tax Morale and Perceived Intergenerational Mobility: a Machine Learning Predictive Approach - Rocco Caferra, Andrea Morone                              

A Quest Between Fiscal and Market Discipline - Luca Agnello, Vitor Castro, Ricardo M. Sousa     


Chair: Lucia Tajoli               

US trade policy in numbers: how exposed is the EU? - Rita Cappariello, Michele Mancini                           

Trade Liberalization, Selection and Technology Adoption with Vertical Linkages - Antonio Navas, Antonella Nocco                             

Brexit and Global Value Chains: 'No-Deal' is Still Costly - Ilaria Fusacchia, Luca Salvatici, L. Alan Winters                              

International trade in the 21st century: the role of non-tariff measures and international certifications - Enrico Marvasi, Luca Salvatici, Lucia Tajoli                              


F3 EUROPE - Aula IV, edificio 13 (1° piano)
Chair: Marcello Minenna   

The cyclically-adjusted primary balance: A novel approach for the Euro area - Giovanni Carnazza, Paolo Liberati, Agnese Sacchi                              

Does One Size Fit All in the Euro Area? Some Counterfactual Evidence - Sergio Destefanis, Matteo Fragetta, Emanuel Gasteiger                              

The Compensation-Productivity Divide in the Euro Area: a Time-Varying approach - Elena Bobeica, Eliza Lis, Maria Sole Pagliari                              

The New Eurozone Risk Morphology - Marcello Minenna                              


F4 MICRO-FUNDAMENTALS - Aula 1, edificio 19 (1° piano)
Chair: Frank Bohn

The art of envy manipulation - Maurizio Caserta, Livio Ferrante, Francesco Reito                              

Generativity and subjective wellbeing: what the homo economicus is missingT - Leonardo Becchetti, Davide Bellucci                               

There Is No Gain in Pain: Psychological Well-Being, Participation, and Wages in the BHPS - Elena Lagomarsino, Alessandro Spiganti         

Why Selfish Politicians Reduce Manipulations?Xue Wang, Frank Bohn                   


F5 FAMILY 2  - Aula Seminari A, edificio 19 (1° piano)
Chair:  Paolo Li Donni

Debt and Financial Vulnerability on the Verge of Retirement - Annamaria Lusardi, Olivia S. Mitchell, Noemi Oggero                              

A life change for the better? The health consequence of retirement - Erica Delugas, Silvia Balia                              

Hospital Choice in a National Health System competing with the private sector: A Tale of two samples - Valentino Dardanoni, Mauro Laudicella, Paolo Li Donni                              


F6 BANKS, CREDIT AND CASH  - Aula V, edificio 13 (1° piano)
Chair:  Chiara Burlina

The Anatomy of Cultural Proximity in Credit Markets - Antonio Accetturo, Giorgia Barboni, Michele Cascarano, Emilia Garcia-Appendini, Francesca Modena                               

Banks' Liquidity Management and Financial Fragility - Luca G. Deidda, Ettore Panetti                              

Cash - Roberto Rinaldi                              

Banking geography, firm performance and the credit cycle - Daniela Bragoli, Chiara Burlina, Flavia Cortelezzi, Giovanni Marseguerra                              


F7 SOCIAL CAPITAL  - Aula I, edificio 13 (piano terra)
Chair:  Stefania Cosci

Civic Engagement and Diversity in Italian Cities: a geo-localised approach - Luca Andriani, Pier Paolo Angelini, Andrea Filippetti                              

Income inequality and social capital: an empirical analysis for European regions - Fabio Pisani, Maria Cristina Scarafile     

Political Stability and Relational Contracts - Berardino Cesi, Silvia Coretti, Gilberto Turati